22 December, 2009

Dear Baltimore City Road Crew: Thanks For Nothin'!

How 'bout that blizzard  'eh?
Did you see all the snow that we got?

Of course you saw all the snow we got!  It was steady rockin' all night long.
Oh, and did you finally get your car dug out of the street?  Yea?  Well good for you.

Sunday morning there were about 6 able bodied menfolk neighbors out shoveling out our 1 block street in Hampden.  We were all responsable for digging out multiple cars on the street: our car and our spouse/girlfriend/old lady/grama/ etc.
So we got to work.  Shovel shovel shovel and a snow blower ta boot (thanks neighbor dude down the street).
Fortunately nobody dropped dead from a heart attack and we had a laugh here and there as the day went by.  We are the good neighbors.  Dug out our cars, dug out nice neighbor ladies who have no menfolk and dug out the sidewalk.  Good for us.

What do we get for this?  We get help. 
Just when our 1/2 of the street was clear a white BCPW pickup truck turns onto the street to plow. 
He drops his blade 6 houses away, scrapes the street untill he gets to the back seat door of my car.  He's stuck.  So, in the spirit of helping and scoring holiday OT pay what does he do? 
He backs up, raises the plow about 6 inches and drives over the snow bank that he just created next to my car.  He then drives up the street that we just shovelled (shovelled, mind you, down to the pavement, no snow or ice) he drives over the newly created snow bank and spreades whatever his 6" high plow can spread up the street.  BCPW just buried 3 hours of back breaking shoveling. 

So like any good ant colony, we get back to work.  Who else is going to do it?  We live at the top of a One-Way street and this is how everyone is going to get out.  So we shovel. 

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