28 January, 2008

Absolut Greeting to World

New friends of mine! As I make you easily you see that you are easily a part of me.

And thus we begin our life together in the blogosphere. Has there been a new term for blogosphere created yet? Here is my first question to my new world.
I am already tired of your language. Where is the jive talkin' Nerd-core language at?

Surely "blogoshpere" is is so 2005. And an entire -osphere is a large place. Where's my niche at?
Great. Another new world to explore.
I didn't ask to explore a new world. But I suppose I should if I am to learn anything new.

"The road only meets ya half-way. You gotta go fo' it"
-Sly Stallone- Over the Top.

Oh perhaps I've said enough already.

The Daily Breather

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